Ella nearly sold out at the workroom's Holiday Trunk Show 2008.
Photo by Alison Westlake.
Although there was no general vendor call for the upcoming, first-ever City of Craft Spring show (vendors were invited from the Winter 2011 waiting list), we do have a few very special spots to fill. With this Spring show being all about first-evers, we will be supporting a brand new initiative: a special section for vendors 14 and under! Yup, we are creating space for the plucky upstart youngsters who will someday supplant us.
4ft of table space
$40 ($41.50 incl. payment fees)
Youth vendors must be selling work they make
Youth vendors must have an accompanying adult on site at all time
City of Craft Spring
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Trinity St. Paul's United Church
427 Bloor Street West
(one block West of Spadina)
Toronto, ON
Applications will be accepted on a first-come-first served basis. We will only reject submissions if they do not fit in with our criteria (handmade by the applicant, applicant must be 14 or younger, adult must agree to being on site). Collaborations are also entirely acceptable.
To apply, please copy-and-paste and answer the following in an email to cityofcraft@gmail.com
Name of Applicant:
Age of Applicant:
Email of Applicant (if any):
Website, blog, shop (if any):
Phone Number:
Adult Contact Name:
Adult Contact Email:
Phone Number:
Does this adult agree to be on site for the duration of the event (including set-up and clean-up):
Type(s) of Crafts Made:
Do you make these crafts yourself?
What process do you use to make these items?
Price Range:
Anything else you would like to add?
Please also attach 2-5 images of the work. If accepted, these images may be used on our website, blog and other online outlets.
For this event, we have an incredibly limited number of spots (8) and have no idea what the response will be, so get those emails in quickly (but make sure to fill out all questions). Don't worry, if the response is huge we will see what we can do about making youth opportunities again in the near future.
We really look forward to seeing what everyone is making!
We would really like to thank our friends at Crafty Wonderland in Portland, Oregon, for inspiring us to this and for providing guidance. If you are ever in the Portland area, you should check them out!