
Volunteer for City of Craft 2012!

City of Craft Photobooth Spring 2012

Michelle here - City of Craft's Volunteer Coordinator on the search for a few dozen crafty citizens to help out at the fast approaching City of Craft!  
Volunteers are a valuable component to the City of Craft weekend. Some of the tasks volunteers take on include:
- setting up and tearing down tables/chairs
- handing out swag bags at the door
- taking admission
- selling official CoC merchandise
- helping out vendors by getting them change or watching over their tables when they need a washroom/food break
- being generally helpful, friendly and welcoming to the City of Craft

It's easy work at a fun event! In exchange, volunteers get the chance to meet neat, creative people in Toronto's craft community (and beyond) and be a part of one of the city's awesome indie craft shows. In addition, City of Craft loves and appreciates its volunteers and will thank them with goodies. It's win-win!

To be a volunteer, you must:
- be able to commit to a minimum 3 hour shift during the event (though you're welcome to sign up for more!)
- be a human being 

Interested? Of course you are! So send a quick e-mail to cityofcraft[AT]gmail[DOT]com and be sure to mark CoC down in your calendar - December 8 & 9, 2012 at The Theatre Centre & beyond (1087, 1093 & 1095 Queen Street West).

In a few days, those who have written to us about their interest will receive an e-mail from me with instructions on how to sign up for a shift (or two) as well as other important info. 

Thanks Citizens!

Stay crafty,

Photo Above by Have & Hold Design / Sara Wilde Photography

1 comment:

  1. It's easy work at a fun event! In Volunteer in Costa Rica exchange, volunteers get the chance to meet neat,
