
Thank you!

Happy place. #cityofcraft


Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

Thank you for a record breaking year.
Thank you to the best vendors, staff, volunteers, sponsors, installation artists and community a plucky li`l craft fair could possibly dream to have.
Thank you to our two incredible venue sponsors, The Theatre Centre and Pemberton Group without whom nothing of this scale would be possible.
Thank you for buying unique, ethical handmade goods this holiday.
Thank you all for DOMINATING Instagram for two days.
And thank you to the magic of craft.

Our next event is the teeny tiny Love & Rummage Trunk show in February, plans are well under way for our spring show, and this blog will stay active with hot tips on other local, nearby and/or indie ways to get through the holidaze.

But right now, this City and this Ring Leader are in need of some slumber. Like this guy.

Until next time, Citizens!