
Prolonging the Magic (or How to Keep Crafty When City of Craft is Sleeping).

City of Craft 2011

So, the big weekend is now behind us. It was a real rush for all involved and it's easy to feel an end point after that. But nothing is stopping in this crafty city! Below are some tips on how to extend the crafty love right through to eternity (or at least the new year).

1. Come back to this blog. We have a whole bunch of content scheduled through the holidays to maintain the wonder, and share information and resource with y'all.

2. Browse back through our vendor list or 2011 Pinterest board. Many of our vendors sell online or locally, so if you missed something at the show, you may still be able to get it. But only maybe.

3. Other shows. There are two weeks left until Christmas and lots of fairs all over the city. We are especially excited about two events run by friends, The Sassy Little Craft Fair (Thursday in Mervish Village) and Movies & Makers (Saturday in The Beaches). And I plan to stuff some stockings (okay, maybe my own, too) with some micro publications from the second annual XPACE Zine Zone (also happening Saturday on lower Ossington).

4. Make something! You still have time. We have lots of favourite shops that sell excellent supplies - the workroom, The Knit Cafe, Lettuce Knit, Knit-O-Matic and The Paper Place to name just a few. Most, if not all, of these establishments also offer classes, tips and general insights through their knowledgeable staffs.

5. Read about our sponsors. I know, you think 'sponsors' and the word somehow means cold corporations. Not so at City of Craft. In fact, that could not be further from the truth. We partner up every year with a slew of amazing makers, supply distributors, indie publishers, bloggers, florists, DJ's, venues, shops...you name it. And most of them offer either gift ideas or can direct you towards holiday activities. They are all really inspiring as a matter of general course, too. Grab a cocoa and read up!

6. Toronto Craft Alert. As always, your source for a thoughtfully curated stream of craft-specific news in the city. I am actually on the blog team there, but Jen and Tara are the real stars. They seem to be able to hunt down every single cool craft thing going.

That seems like a fair amount to get you through the next two weeks.

Personal goal: no malls or big box whatsoever.

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